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國際賽裡左側選項內的“Project Summary / Checklist“工作室檢查表就等同於國內賽隊伍工作室裡的任務清單,每一項工作項目都有規定時間必須完成,若完成的項目則可在方框上打勾,以方便隊伍逐一進行及檢查,以下大會已將國際大會隊伍工作室的檢查表翻譯成中文,方便參加國際賽的隊伍參照,請大家務必在規定時間內完成所規定的事項;若有任何疑問歡迎直接來信(cyberfair2023@taiwanschoolnet.org)或電洽台灣大會服務台,我們會盡可能為您解答。



means the task is still awaiting completion.


means you have completed the task.


Items that require you to submit something to us will be available for completion only between the open and close dates. During that time the available options will be hyperlinked and awaiting your attention.


Underneath each task there are up to four types of items listed:


1. Task open and close dates are the dates the Action Items for this task will be available as well as the guideline for where you should be within the CyberFair project.


2. Task description includes a brief description of the timeline task.


3. Action Items ()must be completed to either accomplish this task or to notify us that you have completed the task.


4. Reference Items ()point you to tools which help you to accomplish the task or explain it in more detail.


1. CyberFair Project Registration Is Now Open! 網界博覽會項目已經可以開始註冊囉!(11/07/2023~03/15/2024 美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Registration is closed after Friday, 15 March, '24 (11:59 P.M. UTC-8 U.S. Pacific).

註冊時間將於美西時間03/15/2024 (五) 11:59 關閉 

Register your school to participate as soon as possible.


After you register, we'll put you on our list to receive important updates.


Remember, you may come back and update your information at anytime.


2. Review Rules and Theme 檢閱比賽規則(11/07/2023~03/15/2024 美西時間)

Tuesday, 7 November, '23 - Friday, 15 March, '24

Review the following pages, and then develop your project to align with CyberFair goals and theme


Project Theme 專題主題

Project Rules 專題規則

Project Narrative 專題簡報

3. Conduct research and build web pages 進行專題的研究並建立網頁(11/07/2023~03/15/2024 美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Tuesday, 7 November, '23 - Friday, 15 March, '24

Begin organizing your students, conducting research and building your web pages as soon as possible so that you can pace yourself.

Review the evaluation rubric at the link below so that you'll know how to organize and present your information.

Start with the key elements and add the "bells and whistles" if time permits. Remember that your learning experience counts much more than your site's "bells and whistles".




Review the Assignment to Schools 閱讀進行專題研究計劃的任務

Review the Rules and Instructions 閱讀參賽規則及參賽說明

Notify Your Local Media 通知當地的媒體

4. Review the Evaluation Process and Rubric 檢閱評比標準(11/07/2023~03/15/2024 美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Tuesday, 7 November, '23 - Friday, 15 March, '24

Print out the Evaluation Rubric and review the criteria with your students.


5. Upload and test web pages on your server 上載及測試專題網頁(11/30/2023~03/15/2024 美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Thursday, 30 November, '23 - Friday, 15 March, '24

Be sure to upload and test your web pages before the upload deadline. If you wait until the last minute you might run into unforeseen problems and not have time to correct them.

You may post your project on any available Web server. There are many companies that offer free or inexpensive Web site hosting. Please select a host that does not publish offensive or inappropriate advertisements.

NOTICE: You may NOT make any changes to your web project pages after peer review begins !


6. Create your Bibliography Page 建立資料索引頁(11/30/2023~03/23/2024 美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Thursday, 30 November, '23 - Saturday, 23 March, '24

Your project must include a page that cites the sources for your project's information. When you complete your project narrative, you must include a link to that page. Therefore, you should create your bibliography page before you attempt to complete the narrative. The bibliography does not need to be edited in final form until peer review begins.

Your bibliography must also list the names of the people who helped you to assemble your Web pages. If you received no help, your bibliography should state that. 
The Citation Machine link below will help you generate appropriate bibliographic entries for your bibliography page. Just copy and paste the citations into your HTML editor and make sure that the URL's included are hot links that work when you click on them.




Review the Rules regarding your bibliography 檢閱關於資料索引頁的規則

Citation Machine 引用程式

7. Complete your Project Narrative 完成專題研究計劃簡報(11/30/2023~03/23/2024 美西時間)

Automatically checked off when complete

Thursday, 30 November, '23 - Saturday, 23 March, '24

Create or Edit your Project Narrative 建立或編輯專題簡報頁

Your project must contain a Project Narrative that provides important information about your project to the judges and other viewers of your site.

You must submit your completed Narrative before you can submit your Final Project Notice.



Sample Project Narrative Form 專題計畫簡報頁的範例

Sample NGO Project Narrative 

Directions for the Project Narrative 專題簡報頁的敘述

8. Submit your final Entry Notice 繳交貴隊最終的專題研究作品網址(01/03/2024~03/23/2024美西時間)

Automatically checked off when complete

Wednesday, 3 January, '24 - Saturday, 23 March, '24

Submit Final Entry Notice

Important: In order to qualify for judging as an official CyberFair Project, you must notify us by submitting your Final Entry Notice in your Project Checklist. We will send you email confirmation 1-2 days after you submit your Notice. If you don't receive this confirmation within 2-3 days, send us email at Click Here. Please include your project #ID number.

Since it takes us up to a full week to prepare your peer review assignments, we can't accept late Final Entry Notices after the deadline. You may continue working on your Web pages until peer review officially begins, at which time you must cease all work on your site.


在貴隊繳交專題研究作品網址一到兩天後,大會將寄確認信給您,若您在三天內還是未收到確認信,請立即寫信至Click Here ,同時別忘了在信中註明貴隊的參賽專題ID號碼。


9. Complete six peer reviews of other sites 完成六個專題網頁作品的互相評比(04/01/2024~04/22/2024美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Monday, 1 April, '24 - Monday, 22 April, '24

Submit a Peer Review

You and/or your students must review 6 other projects. This is an important step because your reviews are part of the official judging process.

Plan adequate time on your calendar for the Peer Review process. Introduce and discuss the criteria with your students before peer review begins. Schedule time during the weeks of peer review.

We also invite responsible adults to participate in this part of the judging process by registering to be a volunteer reviewer.


10. Find Out How You Ranked 決賽成績揭曉 (05/12/2024~09/30/2024美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Sunday, 12 May, '24 - Monday, 30 September, '24

Winners Page

Look on the Winners' Page for final rankings of the top projects in each category.


View Past Winners 觀看歷屆優勝隊伍.

11. View Peer Reviews submitted on your project 檢閱其他隊伍對貴隊專題研究作品的評比結果(05/13/2024~09/30/2024美西時間)

Automatically checked off when complete

Monday, 13 May, '24 - Monday, 30 September, '24

View Peer Review Scores

View the scores and comments reviewers submitted on your project.


12. Print Certificate of Participation 印製參賽證明(05/15/2024~09/30/2024美西時間)

You may check off this item when complete

Wednesday, 15 May, '24 - Monday, 30 September, '24

You can print copies of our official Certificate of Participation for each of your students.



以上所有內容以國際大會公佈資料為準,還請隊伍立即至國際大會登入Project Summary/Checklist並檢查以上項目是否確實完成,相關項目及段落說明若有翻譯上的錯誤還請隊伍們見諒,並請隊伍務必注意國際大會公佈的所有時程,有問題歡迎來信或來電至大會服務台洽詢,謝謝!